Friday, 22 May 2015


SEO is an established practice and it's an established, descriptive term. For millions of people around the world, it carries the accurate meaning  the practice of improving a brand's visibility in and traffic from search engines.SEO is a combination of technical readiness of a website, optimized content and links. Factors like page loading speed, authorship and structured data can improve different aspects of search marketing performance as well. Creating useful information that is optimized for the things buyers are looking for is another best practice.
Traditional SEO has been all about keywords. In fact, we've always recommended front loading your titles and URLs with the keywords used in your content.The main goal of the new algorithm is to make Google far better at interpreting conversational language and understanding the intent of a given search rather than just a series of keywords.

Inbound marketing is promoting a company through blogs, podcasts, video, eBooks, enewsletters, whitepapers, SEO, social media marketing, and other forms of content marketing which serve to attract customers.In addition to getting your content to the right people, as a business person who is trying to foster leads into the inbound equation, you want to get the right content to the right people at the right time.the SEO industry undergoes a shift and Google continues to change its algorithm, successful SEO practitioners need to increase their knowledge of a wide range of inbound marketing channels.

Inbound relies on content to attract, engage and convert new customers that are actively looking for solutions. Marketers that understand how customers discover information on the web can effectively plan content around topics buyers want information on. Keyword research around those topics will aid in the optimization of the content so it can be found through search.Inbound marketing tactics include:
  • Content marketing through blogging, video, news articles, and copywriting
  • Search engine marketing through organic channels including local, mobile and vertical search
  • Social media marketing on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and in forums
  • Building links and non-social external traffic referrals
  • Email marketing
  • User experience through design and interface improvements and page speed
  • Customer retention and lifecycle management
  • A boat load of other activities                                       

Inbound marketing strategy may fall entirely to one person to create and execute. A larger team may have more specialized positions in content, social, brand, etc. or really any combination of the above tasks among any number of people, depending on the company’s needs an the team’s strengths.

Friday, 15 May 2015


SocialMediaOptimization shot form is SMO.Some of them refer it as Social Media Marketing. Either way, it is next wave of online marketing, it is a perfect marriage between Search engine Optimization (SEO) and social media.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Webgevity SEO services will increase targeted traffic to your websites by strategic keyword placement on your pages and extensive link building off page. Applying SEO services will complement any of your web design, branding and web usability efforts tremendously.

Benefits of Social media Optimization
  • Build brand awareness
  • Build customer relationships
  • Bring more qualified traffic to your website
  • Perform hyper targeting
  • Sell more services and products
  • Builds credibility and trust online

Social media optimization is the process which is used to enhance the awareness of products and services making use of the social media platforms like face book, twitter etc. These social media sites have captured the mind of many social media marketing company to utilize them for search engine optimization. But many wonder how social media help to create brand awareness and help in getting more business. Let’s look into the various ways how these social media help to promote products and services. 

Social media marketing uses various means of social media such as blogs, online communities, social networks, and ther online media for marketing, sales and customer service. There are millions of people get connected through the social media sites, this is because humans like to have a social company and want to communicate with each other whenever possible.

Advantages Of Social media Optimization

Brand building : Brand awareness can be spread very fast through social media sites. So a successful social media optimization can create a great reputation for your brand. Through social media sites your company message can be spread more effectively.

Low cost : SMO would not cost you more, with little time and consistent effort you can attain success easily. This is a superb replacement of traditional method of marketing.Search engine ranking:Search media optimization can give your site lot of back links so search engines would love to improve your ranking.

Instant turnaround : Making your brand visibility in the first page of major social media sites and video can fetch you huge number of instant traffic, popularising your website within no time.Targeting specific audience: Search media optimization has the ability to target different kind of audience such as gender specific, geographical location specific, and also target audience based on their age, interest and even marital status. So this would be helpful for the businesses to use the social media marketing to attract specific group of people.                                                                                               
Businesses should opt for right online marketing technique so that they can make use of the social media strategy to their advantage. For example an automobile manufacturer can create social profile in a social media forum where there are lot of people who are keen to know automobile. Automobile manufacturer after creating the forum can provide latest updates about their products and services and capture the market effortlessly.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in SERPs through optimization and advertising. SEM may use search engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts or rewrites website content to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages, or use pay per click (PPC) listings. SEM is a type of Internet marketing associated with the researching, submitting and positioning of a website within search engines to achieve maximum visibility and increase your share paid and/or organic traffic referrals from search engines.SEM involves things such as search engine optimization (SEO), keyword research, competitive analysis, paid listings and other search engine services that will increase search traffic to your site.

Benefits of SEM
Search delivers an active, targeted message to your online properties.
Individuals who see your SEM advertisements are actively searching for the keywords you indicated. For example, if you are in the baby carriage business, you would most likely advertise on the following keywords: Baby Carriage, Baby, Carriage, Babies, Active Baby, etc. Now if anyone searches any of the following words and you are paying enough per click, your advertisement will appear. Now here is the best part! As an advertiser, if you use the Pay-Per-Click methodology, you don’t pay unless a user clicks on the advertisement. Therefore, as a business, you only pay for people who are actively searching the key words your company selected and who found your advertisement relevant.
Search is the most popular medium for locating information.
74% of internet users perform local searches and of this percentage 82% of local searchers follow up offline via an in-store visit, phone call or purchase (TMP / comScore). From July 2007 to May 2008, Google has processed a total of 65.6 billion U.S searches. This is an average of 5.96 billion searches a month or roughly 20 million searches per month. Google represents 61.8% of search engines during this period. In other words, people are using search engines to find out about your company’s products or services.
Search Engine Marketing has one of the lowest costs per customer acquisition
SEM is a great marketing medium and very cost effective compared with other marketing mediums. As displayed by the graph, Customer acquisition is just below $10 while direct mail is highly ineffective at around $70 per customer. Granted the cost per customer can vary drastically based on the industry but this gives a good overview of the effectiveness of Search Engine Marketing compared to other direct marketing channels.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing can mean a variety of things. At one time, internet marketing consisted mostly of having a website or placing banner ads on other websites. On the other end of the spectrum, there are loads of companies telling you that you can make a fortune overnight on the Internet and who try to sell you some form of "Internet marketing program”. Internet marketing is becoming an increasingly important part of nearly every company's marketing mix. For some online business, it is the only form of marketing being practiced.

Objectives of Internet Marketing
·         Communicate Company message
·         Conduct research as to the nature
·         Sell goods, services, or advertising space over the Intenet
Essential Steps to internet marketing success:

  •          Optimizing Your Website
  •          Creating Content
  •          Implementing a Social Strategy
  •          Converting Visitors into Leads
  •          Nurturing Leads into Customers
  •          Analyzing & Refining Data
Pillars of success of Internet marketing:

Relationship: Creating strong relationships with an audience is critical to everything we do here. Rather than constantly hunting down new customers, we’d much rather create a valued environment that benefits our existing readers and customers and keeps pulling them back. We don’t advertise in the traditional sense; instead, our readers do a great job of “spreading the word” for us.
Direct response copywriting : We certainly stay abreast of the latest social media trends (and sometimes create them), but underlying everything we do here is solid copywriting techniques. Starting with a killer headline and moving strategically through the copy to a stirring call to action, traditional copywriting technique works amazingly well in social media. “Old-fashioned” copywriting advice can make all the difference between a business or blog that limps along and one that truly thrives. We’ll show you precisely what we mean in the initial issues of the newsletter.
Content Marketing: What’s the backbone of the Copy blogger formula? Deliver great content. Then keep delivering great content, but in a strategic and focused way. Every once in a while, make a great offer that benefits the reader and involves the exchange of cash money. Of course, we’ll give you some more specifics on how to do that once you’re on board.
Have something worth selling: Everyone is selling something. It might be a product, a service download, an idea, or a worthy cause. Whatever you’re selling, it’s got to be worth the price. (And never forget that reader attention is a valuable commodity that’s in strictly limited supply.)Whether you’re asking for dollars, euros, yen, or valuable time and attention, you’ve got to deliver something that towers above your asking price.

SEO Tips

Everybody loves a good tip, right? Here are some tips for Search Engine Optimization better high ranking.

SEO Tips:
  • Write Good Content
The most important factor in SEO is Content. If content is not good, people wouldn't stick around on site and search engines wouldn't find site valuable.
  • Write unique content
Unique content is very important. You need to provide unique content that has different from other sites and other Web pages.
  • Create a good Keyword phrase
The first thing when working on search engine optimization is to find the good keyword phrase on that page. Don’t try to optimize entire site to one keyword phrase. 

  • Use the keyword phrase in title tag
The title tag is one of the important tags on web page. And keyword phrase are placing in the title tag at the beginning, for get that phrase into the search engines. That keyword phrase put as the link in the search engine index. 

  • Improve Website’s loading time
Page speed is a important ranking factor. When a website loads fast, users are likely to visit more than one page before they leave.

     The above tips are simple and important at the same time. For improving websites, provide more content, articles, services, etc.