1) Stay in research mode at all times.
In order to keep your queue filled with great content ideas, you need to stay in research mode at all times. Research shouldn’t be reserved for planning or writing sessions only.The quality of your content will increase substantially if you do it on an ongoing basis, as ideas pop into your head.
2) Write in your own Unique Voice.
Your content should have an individual style, that is unique to your personality or brand. Style is your most prized possession as a writer, and it should continue to evolve over the lifetime of your career.
3) Talk about One thing only.
Each piece of content should have one point. Only One. After you write make sure your writing stays on point.
4) Find a unique angle to cover your topic.
Every piece of content has:
A Topic- a subject of discussion or conversation.
A Point- a major idea.
A Slant- a specific point of view.
5) Make the first sentence your best.
You have about 3 seconds to hook your readers and get them reading. After your headline, it’s up to your first sentence to do the job. Never mislead. Your headline and first sentence should take the reader smoothly to your main point. But do say something that makes people pay attention.
6) Craft an irresistible lead.
The lead is what writers call the introduction to your content. For every short articles, it could be the first paragraph or two. For books it could be the first chapter. But for most content, it’s the first 100 to 600 words: the intro and your point.
7) Kill the HYPE. Keep it Believable.
Your readers don’t want to waste time on content that isn’t accurate or trustworthy. So no hype and no stretching the truth.
8) Plain writing is best.
Short paragraphs, short sentences and easy words are the most readable. Digital content is not what you learned in your English class. Shorter and simpler is your mantra for better readability.

9) Edit, Edit, Edit.
Great writing never happens in first draft. The first draft is usually a good effort at figuring out how to put your ideas into words. As a result, they’re almost always badly written. Great writing happens in the editing stage so when you write just get your ideas down and write fast so that you can keep up with your ideas and then put your best effort through several rounds editing.
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